Saturday, September 8, 2012

Clips of the summer

As September slowly shows it's hand, I find myself enjoying a very warm sunny Saturday morning. The children went back to school (gradually) this week and I ploughed through a pile of work. Now the weekend is here and I am determined to dedicate some time to creativity.

The school holidays are always a difficult time. With three children, self-employment which should offer flexibility but invariably never at the desired time, I often find myself frustrated for those six weeks.

Looking back at what I did manage to get done....well the results were few, but at least there's something to show.
Amigurumi Cat
I made this little fella for our friends, who just became proud first time parents. The pattern came from Janagurumi at Dawanda

My on-going project is  a poncho I'm making - I've made a few mistakes on this, it was a muddle up on treble and half-treble crochet, I've nailed it now though and and slowly ticking off the 92 starbusts I have to make! This gorgeous pattern is taken from Rowan, Amy Butler River Camp Knits
Starburst crochet Poncho
And finally, whilst trundling around in the camper van, spending a relaxed couple of days in Beer, Devon, we sheltered from a cloud-burst in a cranky antiques shop behind The Dolphin pub. I found the sweetest lace crochet hook and vintage french silver thread. The hook is victorian and features engravings and mouldings of a lighthouse. The hook retracts and is TINY. The lace making ladies of Beer actually made the lace for Queen Victoria's wedding dress....perhaps this very hook was used.....
Lace-making hook, from Beer, Devon
So this afternoon, I will set up a cosy corner in the shady part of the courtyard and will get busy...I've a wedding dress to make! Enjoy the weather
Katerina lalala xx